
What I can contribute to make your recruiting more successful

For more than 20 years, I have been working with decision-makers on a daily basis to attract and retain the right personalities for their companies.

I follow the systemic consulting approach out of a sense of belief. Everything is interrelated and influences each other. The clients concerns and ideas should be harmonized with the existing system and the given conditions.

Not every desired candidate is suitable for every company and every team. People, problems and tasks are not viewed as an isolated factor, but always in the context of the environment and the system in which they operate.

This means in the detailed interview process

  • Circular questions, intervention, setting impulses and listening / perceiving
  • Challenging and understanding “the answer behind the answer”
  • Assess leadership skills correctly. What kind of leadership is needed and what kind is available?
  • Align impressions and perceptions. Everyone looks at a topic differently

This means for the course of the collaboration:

Ensuring good communication

  • in preparation for the conversations (there is only one call), for an interview (there is room to ask a lot of questions for both sides)
  • for a coherent recruiting process
  • during the sensitive final phase
  • after completing the recruitment process (we will stay in touch)

Successful and sustainable

Successful recruitment today is not just about professional qualifications and social skills for a specific role.

Competencies can only be partially attributed to the individual person. The challenge is to bring people, cultures and systems together.

In the end, it is always about the alignment between the individual and the organizational system.

Therefore, we take a great amount of time to get to know and understand our clients.

We do not judge, we ask:

  • Who would cope well here and, above all, continue successfully?
  • How to make the right choice for the final step: Assessment Center?

With my external and trained eye, I can support you in selecting the right final candidates.

Are you looking for advice?

We will gladly answer your questions. We are looking forward to hearing from you.